I did some research in efforts to better understand my dream from a few nights ago. There was a reverence for the white birch but more toward me and Iz who were the living breathing form of whatever it was the birch stood for. People excitedly took our photo(s) by the cluster of birch, as if we were stars on a red carpet posing in front of the poster for our newest flic. It was a warm moment.
Here's what I found...
Birches are versatile trees--they are highly adaptive and able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. Proof of its adaptability is seen in its easy and eager ability to repopulate damamaged areas. The birch is a pioneer, courageously taking root and starting anew to revive landscape where no other would before.
Paradoxically, while the birch is a brilliant symbol of renewal, it is also symbolic of stability and structure as a long-honored keeper of tradition...carried as an igniter, a prized firewood, even burning wet. In that way, birch is associated with the feast of Pentecost...originally a Jewish Feast. For Christians in some countries, birch is used as decoration too. The imporance of it being a decoration at Pentecost is that Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit, according to Acts, descended on the disciples in the form of tongues of fire accompanied by the sound of a rush of wind, giving them the power of speaking in such a way that people of different languages could understand them.
That's the birch. That's who You say I am?! Igniting. Prized. Pioneering. Highly adaptive. Able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. If that's me, Lord, thank You!
Thank You for encouragement and direction! Let Your kingdom come, now. I just wanna be with the One I love. I just wanna be with You. I'm here to give You praise! You take my breath away.
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