Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Greater Things

This morning I walked into a grocery store, if everything was if expecting something I'd find in there would satisfy. I walked through produce, meat department, dairy...the whole parameter while people in every direction filled their carts. I found myself being increasingly disgusted by the concept of filling my belly...when my spirit is in soooo much more need of filling. As dramatic as it may seem, I walked out empty-handed, eyes seeping tears, feeling as though I FINALLY SEE! What are these counterfeit wants?! I genuinely don't want for anything this world has to least not until my primary (spiritual) self is satisfied... Which is not. I want for more of what has not been seen! God, I want for more of what has not been experienced! In John 14:12 Jesus says, "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father." I want more of You within and all around truly walk in said "greater things!"

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